
Showing 1–24 of 38 results

Architecture, capital bases, various styles, 1771


Architettura, basi dei capitelli, vari stili è un’incisione al bulino realizzata da Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice nel 1771.
This work is taken from the important Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Diderot and D'Alembert.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×18
  • Engraving size: cm. not specified
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Questa incisione è particolarmente interessante poiché proviene dall’edizione della Enciclopedia di Diderot e D’Alembert, nota come Encyclopédie d’Yverdon, pubblicata in Svizzera.
Its difference from the original, less French and less anti-religious, gave it the nickname of Protestant encyclopedia, contributing to its diffusion in Northern Europe.

Architecture, capitals, five orders 1771


Architecture, capitals, five orders It is a burin engraving made by Fortunate Bartholomew De Felice in 1771.
This work is taken from the important Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Diderot and D'Alembert.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×18
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper with white backing
  • Condition: Excellent condition

The engraving represents an interesting example of architecture, highlighting the five orders.
De Felice's version, known as Yverdon Encyclopedia, is distinguished by a less French and less anti-religious approach than the original, earning it the nickname of Protestant encyclopedia and ensuring a strong diffusion in Northern Europe.

Architecture, capitals, various orders 1771


Architecture, capitals, various orders It is an engraving made by Fortunate Bartholomew De Felice in 1771.
This work is taken from the important Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Diderot and D'Alembert.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×18
  • Engraving size: cm. 24×18
  • Technique: Burin
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper with white backing
  • Condition: Excellent

This engraving is particularly interesting because it comes from the edition of Encyclopedia of Diderot and D'Alembert known as Yverdon Encyclopedia, published in Switzerland.
Unlike the original version, which was less French and less anti-religious, this edition is known as the Protestant encyclopedia and had a strong diffusion in Northern Europe.

Architecture, capitals, various orders 1771


Architecture, capitals, various orders It is a burin engraving made by Fortunate Bartholomew De Felice In the 1771.
This work is taken from the important Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Diderot and D'Alembert.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×18
  • Engraving size: cm. 24×18
  • Technique: Burin
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

This engraving represents an interesting example of architecture and is notable for its connection with the edition of the Encyclopedia of Diderot and D'Alembert, known as Yverdon Encyclopedia, published in Switzerland.
Its different approach, less French and less anti-religious, gave it the nickname of Protestant encyclopedia, contributing to its diffusion in Northern Europe.

Architecture, plan of a grand hotel, 1771


Architecture, plan of a grand hotel It is a burin engraving made by Fortunate Bartholomew De Felice in 1771.
This work is taken from the edition of Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Diderot and D'Alembert, known as the Encyclopedie d'Yverdon.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×18
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper with white backing
  • Condition: Excellent condition

This engraving is notable for its less French and less anti-religious approach than the original, earning it the nickname of Protestant encyclopedia and ensuring a strong diffusion in Northern Europe.

Architecture, plan of a grand hotel, drawing by JFBlondel, 1771


Architecture, plan of a grand hotel It is a burin engraving made by JF Blondel in 1771.
This work is taken from the important Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×30
  • Engraving size: cm. not specified
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

This engraving is part of the edition of the Encyclopédie by Diderot and D'Alembert, known as the Encyclopedie d'Yverdon, published in Switzerland.
Its difference from the original gave it the nickname of Protestant encyclopedia, contributing to its diffusion in Northern Europe.

Architecture, project of a grand hotel, drawing by JFBlondel, 1771


Architecture, project of a grand hotel It is an engraving made by JF Blondel in 1771.
This drawing is part of the important work Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×18 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. not specified
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition, with white back

This engraving represents an interesting example of architecture, known for its diffusion in Northern Europe thanks to its edition in Switzerland, known as the Encyclopédie d'Yverdon.
The difference in approach compared to the original by Diderot and D'Alembert gives it a unique character.

Architecture, elevation of a grand hotel, drawing by JFBlondel, 1771


Architecture, elevation of a grand hotel It is a burin engraving made by JF Blondel in 1771.
This work is taken from the important Encyclopédie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×30
  • Engraving size: cm. 24×30 approx.
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

This engraving is known for its historical and cultural importance, being part of the edition of the Encyclopédie of Diderot and D'Alembert, known as the Encyclopédie d'Yverdon.
This edition, less influenced by French thought and more open to Protestant ideas, had a notable diffusion in Northern Europe.

Architecture, elevation of a grand hotel, drawing by JFBlondel, 1771


Architecture, elevation of a grand hotel It is an engraving made by JF Blondel in 1771, part of the important work Encyclopedie ou Dictionnaire Universel Raisonné des connaissances, edited by Fortunato Bartolomeo De Felice.
This burin engraving, of considerable historical interest, comes from the edition of the Diderot and D'Alembert Encyclopedia, known as Yverdon Encyclopedia, published in Switzerland.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×30 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 24×30 approx.
  • Support: Medium thickness laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Architecture of particular houses, 1834-1837


Architectures of particular houses It is a steel engraving made by Aubert and Bouchet between 1834 and 1837.
This work is part of the volume Italy, Sicily, the Iles Eoliennes, the Ile d'Elbe…. by Audot Père, published in Paris.

  • Sheet size: cm. 25×16 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×10 approx.
  • Support: Light paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Pair of Caryatids, Anonymous, 18th century


Pair of Caryatids it is an anonymous engraving dating back to 18th century.
This work presents two elegant Caryatids, made with the technique ofetching and burin on laid paper, characterised by a partial watermark.
The figures are wrapped in bands on which the words can be read SOFT And CANDOR UNLEASHED.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×15
  • Engraving size: cm. 14×10
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Jean Lepautre (1618-1682). Architectural Ornaments, 1650


Architectural ornaments It is an engraving made by Jean Lepautre In the 1650.
This work, which represents a significant example of the architectural art of the 17th century, was engraved on copper and printed on laid paper.

  • Sheet size: cm. 19×14 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Jean Lepautre (1618-1682). Architectural Ornaments, 1650


Architectural ornaments It is an engraving made by Jean Lepautre In the 1650.
Questa opera, che riflette l’abilità dell’artista nel rappresentare dettagli architettonici, è un esempio significativo del suo lavoro nel campo dell’incisione.

  • Sheet size: cm. 19×14 approx.
  • Technique: Burin
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Jean Lepautre (1618-1682). Architectural Ornaments, 1650


Architectural Ornaments It is an engraving made by Jean Lepautre In the 1650.
Questa opera rappresenta un esempio significativo dell’arte barocca, caratterizzata da dettagli elaborati e una ricca decorazione architettonica.

  • Sheet size: cm. 19×14 approx.
  • Engraving size: con margini irregolari
  • Technique: Burin
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Jean Lepautre (1618-1682). Architectural Ornaments, 1650


Architectural Ornaments It is an engraving made by Jean Lepautre In the 1650.
This work, executed on copper, features an elegant and detailed design, typical of the Baroque style of the time.

  • Sheet size: cm. 19×14 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Johann Adam Delsenbach, Architectural Ornaments, 18th century


Architectural ornaments è un’incisione realizzata da Johann Adam Delsenbach, un noto artista e incisore tedesco, nel XVIII secolo.
This work, performed with the technique of burin, presenta ornamenti architettonici dettagliati e misura cm. 26×17 alla battuta, su laid paper.
In basso si trova la firma dell’artista: Joh Adam Delsenbach fecit.
Si segnala qualche danno al margine inferiore e una leggera macchia sul foglio.

The Man in the Net, Raimondo di Sangro, 1855


The man in the net It is a woodcut engraving made by Raymond of Sangro in 1855.
This work is taken from the volume Description of the City of Naples and its surroundings divided into XXX days Of Gaetano Nobile, published in Naples in the same year.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×10 approx. (including typographic frame)
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation
  • Support: White backed paper
  • Included: Passepartout

Famous work by Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of San Severo, available at €15.00.

Naples, Modesty, 1855


Naples, Modesty It is a woodcut engraving made in 1855, taken from the work Description of the City of Naples and its surroundings divided into XXX days by Gaetano Nobile.
This print, measuring 6x8 cm, is a famous work by Raimondo di Sangro, Prince of San Severo.

  • Sheet size: Small
  • Technique: Woodcut
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

The print has been removed from the book and is delivered complete with passepartout.

Naples, Farnese Bull, 1855


Naples, Farnese Bull It is a woodcut engraving made in 1855, which represents an important view of the city of Naples.
This work is taken from the volume Description of the City of Naples and its surroundings divided into XXX days by Gaetano Nobile.

  • Sheet size: cm. 25×16
  • Engraving size: cm. 15×10 (including typographic frame)
  • Support: White backed paper
  • Condition: Perfect state of preservation

The print is delivered complete with passepartout.

Design for a public fountain, AHPayne, 1840-50


Progetto di una Fontana Pubblica It is an engraving made by AH Payne between 1840 and 1850.
Questa opera, un design per una fontana pubblica, è eseguita in etching on medium thickness paper.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent

In basso a destra è presente la firma dell’artista: AHPayne sc.
The press was published in Payne's Universum und Buch der Kunst, Leipzig and Dresden.
Albert Henry Payne, English engraver, designer and publisher, was born in London in 1812 and died in 1902 in Leipzig, where he founded a publishing house, the English Art Institute.

Rome, Plan of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, 1813


Rome, Plan of the Basilica of San Lorenzo It is an engraving made in 1813, taken from the volume Tour Through Italy by Rev. John Chetwode Eustace, published in London by J. Mawman.
This work offers a beautiful view of the basilica, characterized by a well-defined animation and contrast, with a white back that enhances its quality.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

Rome, Plan of the Basilica of San Lorenzo, 1813


Rome, Plan of the Basilica of San Lorenzo It is an engraving made in 1813, taken from the volume Tour Through Italy by Rev. John Chetwode Eustace, published in London by J. Mawman.
This work offers a beautiful view of the basilica, characterized by a well-defined animation and contrast, with a white back that enhances its quality.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

Rome, Plan of the Basilica of St. Paul, 1813


Rome, Plan of the Basilica of St. Paul It is an engraving made in 1813, taken from the volume Tour Through Italy by Rev. John Chetwode Eustace.
This work offers a beautiful view of the Basilica, characterized by lively animation and well-defined contrast. The back is white, which further enhances the quality of the engraving.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

Rome, Plan of the Basilica of St. Paul, 1813


Rome, Plan of the Basilica of St. Paul It is an engraving made in 1813, taken from the volume Tour Through Italy by Rev. John Chetwode Eustace.
This work offers a beautiful view of the Basilica, characterized by lively animation and well-defined contrast. The back is white, which further enhances the quality of the engraving.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

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