
Showing 73–96 of 2521 results

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Leopard Hunt, 1600


Caccia al leopardo it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work is an example of etching on laid paper, trimmed to the marginal line.
In basso è presente una scritta in latino, che aggiunge un tocco di storicità all’opera.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Tapir Hunt(?), 1600


Caccia al tapiro it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work, performed in etching, presenta una scena vivace e dettagliata, riflettendo lo stile caratteristico dell’artista.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Bear Hunt, 1600


Bear hunting it is an engraving attributed to Antonio Tempesta, made in 1600.
This work, characterised by a lively representation of the hunt, is a significant example of the art of the period.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Hyena Hunt, 1600


Hyena hunting it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work, an etching on laid paper, presents a dynamic and fascinating subject, typical of the artist's style.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Fox Hunting, 1600


Caccia alla volpe it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work, performed in etching, presenta una scena vivace di caccia, riflettendo l’abilità dell’incisore nel catturare il movimento e l’energia del momento.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Duck Hunting, 1600


Duck hunting it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work is an example of etching on laid paper, trimmed to the marginal line. The engraver, Antonio Tempesta, did not sign the work, but there is a Latin inscription at the bottom.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Duck Hunting, 1600


Duck hunting it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work, performed in etching, presenta una scena vivace di caccia, riflettendo l’abilità dell’incisore nel catturare momenti dinamici.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation
  • Notes: Riflato alla linea marginale, non firmato, con scritta in latino in basso.

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Monkey Hunting, 1600


Monkey hunting it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work, performed in etching, presents a lively and intriguing scene, typical of the engraver's style.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

The engraving is trimmed to the marginal line and features a Latin inscription at the bottom.

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Ibex Hunting, 1600


Hunting the ibex it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work, performed in etching, represents a hunting scene and stands out for its dynamic and detailed style.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Ostrich Hunt, 1600


Ostrich Hunting it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work is an example of etching on laid paper, trimmed to the marginal line.
The engraver, known for his highly detailed works, left a Latin inscription at the bottom of the engraving.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Laid paper

Antonio Tempesta (attr.), Animal Market, 1600


Mercato degli animali it is an engraving attributed to Anthony Tempest, made in 1600.
This work, performed in etching, presenta una scena vivace di un mercato di animali, riflettendo la vita quotidiana dell’epoca.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×8 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Notes: Refined on the marginal line, unsigned; at the bottom there is a Latin inscription.

Antonio Tempesta Dragon Hunt, 1590


Caccia al drago It is an engraving made by Anthony Tempest nel 1590, parte della serie Diverse cacce, pesche e combattimenti di animali.
Questa opera è un esempio significativo della maestria di Tempesta, noto per le sue rappresentazioni vivide e dinamiche della fauna.

  • Sheet size: mm. 94×145 circa
  • Engraving size: alla battuta del rame con margini minimi
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Buone condizioni generali, con qualche macchia sul retro

Antonio Tempesta Caccia al Leopardo, 1590


Caccia al Leopardo It is an engraving made by Anthony Tempest tra il 1590 e il 1610, parte della serie Diverse cacce, pesche e combattimenti di animali.
This work, performed in etching, presenta una scena vivace e dettagliata di una caccia al leopardo, tipica dello stile del maestro fiorentino.

  • Sheet size: mm. 94×145
  • Condition: Good general condition
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Notes: Retro con qualche macchia e margini molto piccoli

Antonio Tempesta Caccia al serpente, 1590


Caccia al serpente It is an engraving made by Anthony Tempest tra il 1590 e il 1610, parte della serie Diverse cacce, pesche e combattimenti di animali.
This work, performed in etching, presenta una dimensione di mm. 94×145, con margini minimi alla battuta del rame.

  • Sheet size: mm. 94×145
  • Condition: Buone condizioni generali, con qualche macchia sul retro
  • Support: Laid paper

Antonio Tempesta Bulls, 1620


Tori It is an engraving made by Anthony Tempest nel 1620, proveniente dalla Nuova raccolta de li animali più curiosi del mondo.
This work is a fine example of etching, stampata su carta vergellata.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×21 approx.
  • Engraving size: mm. 96×140 circa
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Good general condition

Anthony van Dyck, 1830


Anthony van Dyck, 1830 It is an etching made on paper, which portrays the illustrious Flemish painter known for his portraits.
Van Dyck, who became the leading court painter in England, had an important influence on European portraiture after his stay in Italy.

  • Sheet size: cm. 23×15
  • Engraving size: cm. 10×8
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Anthony van Dyck, 1830


Anthony van Dyck, 1830 it is an etching made on laid paper, which represents a significant work by one of the most famous Flemish portraitists.
Van Dyck, known for his elegant style and his ability to portray the nobility, became the first court painter in England after a long stay in Italy.

  • Sheet size: cm. 26×21 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 9×7 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Aosta, 1833-35


Aosta, 1833-35 It is an engraving made by James Duffield Harding, a well-known English landscape painter.
This etching on steel è tratta da The Landscape Annual di Londra, pubblicato tra il 1833 e il 1835.

  • Sheet size: cm. 12×19 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 10×14 approx.
  • Support: Medium thickness paper with white backing
  • Condition: Excellent

Questa suggestiva veduta di Aosta è caratterizzata da un nitido contrasto e da un’animazione che cattura l’attenzione dello spettatore.

Aosta, San Bernardo, Das Hospiz, 1850


Aosta, San Bernardo, Das Hospiz è un’incisione realizzata nel 1850, rappresentativa della bellezza paesaggistica della regione.
This etching misura cm. 15×11, esclusi i margini, ed è stampata su carta di medio spessore con retro bianco.

  • Sheet size: Small
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

Arabs dividing the spoils, 1830


Arabi che dividono il bottino è un’incisione realizzata nel 1830, che rappresenta un momento di condivisione tra arabi.
Questa opera è stata creata con la tecnica dell’Etching and of the Burin, mostrando una notevole maestria artistica.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×30 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×24 approx.
  • Support: Thick paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Archimede, 1857


Archimede è un’incisione all’acquaforte originale realizzata nel 1857, tratta dall’Italian Iconoteca – Collezione di sessanta ritratti d’illustri Italiani, Firenze.
This work has a frame of mm. 140×180 on a sheet of cm. 23×32, made on strong paper.

  • Sheet size: cm. 23×32
  • Engraving size: mm. 140×180
  • Support: Strong paper
  • Condition: Very good, with some light foxing at the edges, which does not affect the engraving.

Arch and Loggia of Peruzzi, Florence, 1826


Arch and Loggia of Peruzzi, Florence It is an engraving made by Anthony Verico in 1826.
This copper etching It is taken from the volume Compendium of the Pictorial Journey of Tuscany, published in Florence by Gasparo Ricci.

  • Sheet size: cm. 10×17 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 7×12 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Arcofelice, Pozzuoli, 1781-1786


Arcofelice, Pozzuoli, 1781-1786 It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non, also known as the Abbot of Saint-Non.
This etching, part of the work Voyage Pittoresque or Description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicily, offers a beautiful lively view of the historic town of Pozzuoli.

  • Sheet size: mm. 230×165 approximately, with irregular margins
  • Condition: Perfect condition
  • Support: Paper

Ardea, C.Frommel, 1829


Ardea It is an engraving made by Carl Frommel In the 1829, part of the series 50 Bilder zu Virgils Heneide….
This work is an example of etching on paper, characterized by an engraving measuring 7x10 cm, on a sheet of 13x22 cm.

  • Sheet size: cm. 13×22
  • Engraving size: cm. 7×10
  • Support: Medium paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

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