
Showing 169–192 of 2521 results

Battista Pittoni, Emblema del Conte, 1578


Emblema del Conte It is an engraving made by Battista Pittoni nel 1578, dedicata al Conte Alfonso di Villa Chiara.
Questa opera è un’acquaforte su carta vergellata, caratterizzata dal monogramma in basso a sinistra B.P.V..

  • Sheet size: mm. 115×164
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Buone (mancanza all’angolo superiore)
  • Technique: Etching
  • Era: XVI

L’incisione è parte della raccolta Imprese nobili, et ingeniose di diversi Prencipi, et D’Altri Personaggi Illustri, datata 1578.
Giovanni Battista Pittoni, noto come Battista vicentino, è un importante artista del XVI secolo.

Beccaria Cesare, 1857


Beccaria Cesare it is an original etching made in 1857, taken from the Iconoteca Italiana, a collection of sixty portraits of illustrious Italians.
Questa opera ritrae Cesare Bonesana, marchese di Beccaria, una figura di spicco dell’Illuminismo italiano.

  • Sheet size: cm. 23×32
  • Size of the joke: mm. 140×180
  • Support: Strong paper
  • Condition: Very good, with some light foxing at the edges, which does not affect the engraving.

Bellagio, Como, 1834


Bellagio, Como è un’incisione realizzata nel 1834, tratta da Finden's Landscape and Portrait Illustrations of the Life and Works of Lord Byron.
Questa opera è stata creata da W. Brockedon, con disegni di H.Gasteneau and engravings of E. Finden.

  • Sheet size: cm. 23×16 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 13×9 approx.
  • Support: Thick paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Questa veduta animata di Bellagio è un esempio significativo dell’arte del XIX secolo, riflettendo l’influenza di Byron e la bellezza dei paesaggi italiani.

Benevento, C. Frommel, 1829


Beneventum è un’acquaforte acquarellata realizzata da C. Frommel In the 1829.
Questa suggestiva veduta, molto decorativa, è tratta da Horazen's Works by Dr. Sickler, with engravings by Carl Frommel.

  • Sheet size: cm. 13×21 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 10×8 approx.
  • Support: Medium paper with white back
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Benigno Bossi (1727-1792), Head of a Boy, 1754


Testa di ragazzo It is an engraving made by Benigno Bossi In the 1754.
Questa opera è un’acquaforte su carta vergellata con filigrana a croce uncinata, parte della Raccolta di teste inventate, disegnate e incise da B.Bossi.

  • Sheet size: cm. 33×22
  • Engraving size: mm. 95×70
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Buone condizioni, con qualche piega e piccoli strappi ai margini

Benigno Bossi, Study of a Head, 1754


Studio di testa It is an engraving made by Benigno Bossi In the 1754.
Questa opera è un’acquaforte su carta vergellata con filigrana a croce uncinata, parte della Raccolta di teste inventate, disegnate e incise da B.Bossi.

  • Sheet size: cm. 29×22 circa
  • Engraving size: mm. 84×73 circa
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Buone condizioni, con qualche piega e piccoli strappi ai margini

Benjamin Franklin, 1770


Benjamin Franklin è un’incisione realizzata nel 1770, che ritrae uno dei Padri fondatori degli Stati Uniti.
Franklin è noto per il suo contributo in vari campi, dalla scienza alla politica, e la sua figura rappresenta un simbolo di innovazione e leadership.

  • Sheet size: cm. 26×21 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 9×7 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Berchem, A Landscape, 1830


A Landscape It is a coloured aquatint made in 1830 by Ralph Cockburn, a well-known painter and engraver, as well as the first keeper of the Dulwich Picture Gallery.
This work is a splendid execution based on one of the paintings in the gallery, and stands out for its rarity and decorativeness.

  • Sheet size: cm. 26×32 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 17×24 approx.
  • Support: Thick cardboard
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Origin: DULWICH GALLERY by R. Cockburn, 1830
  • Stamping: Haverhill Public Library stamp on the back

Berckheyde, van de Velde, Bashan, 1771


View of Harlem It is an engraving made by Job Adriaensz Berckheyde And Adriaen van de Velde, published by Pierre-François Basan in 1771.
This work is part of the Record of recorded prints after the tables on the cabinet of Monseigneur le Duc de Choiseul, and was printed in Paris.

  • Sheet size: cm. 30×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 14×12 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Bergamo, Upper Town Gate, 1860


Bergamo, Porta di Città Alta è un’incisione realizzata nel 1860, rappresentante una vista iconica della città di Bergamo.
This work is taken from theAlbum of Italy, published by the Austrian Literarisch-artistische Abteilung des Österreichischen Lloyd in the 19th century.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×32 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 20×14 approx.
  • Support: Medium thickness paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Berlin, 1850


Berlin, 1850 It is an engraving made in etching in the 19th century.
This work, of small dimensions, measures approximately cm. 9×14 and it is glued onto another piece of cardboard.
Presents a small lack top right, but retains its historical charm.

  • Era: 19th century
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Good
  • Dimensions: Small
  • Support: Cardboard

Berlin, AHPayne, 1840-50


Berlin It is an engraving made by A.H. Payne between 1840 and 1850.
This work is an etching on medium-thickness paper, published in Payne's Universum und Buch der Kunst, Leipzig and Dresden.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Medium thickness paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Albert Henry Payne, English engraver, designer and publisher, was born in London in 1812 and died in 1902 in Leipzig, where he founded a publishing house, the English Art Institute.

Berlin, The Royal Mills, AHPayne, 1840-50


Berlin, The Royal Mills It is an engraving made by A.H. Payne between 1840 and 1850.
This work, an etching on medium-thickness paper, depicts the famous royal mills of Berlin.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Medium thickness paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition
  • Publication: Print published in Payne's Universum und Buch der Kunst, Leipzig and Dresden
  • Signature: AHPayne sc. bottom right

Albert Henry Payne, English engraver, designer and publisher, was born in London in 1812 and died in 1902 in Leipzig, where he founded a publishing house, the English Art Institute.

Berlin, The Royal Palace, AHPayne, 1840-50


Berlin, The Royal Palace It is an engraving made by A.H. Payne between 1840 and 1850.
This work is an etching on medium-thickness paper, published in Payne's Universum und Buch der Kunst, Leipzig and Dresden.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Medium thickness paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Albert Henry Payne, English engraver and designer, was born in London in 1812 and died in 1902 in Leipzig, where he founded a publishing house, the English Art Institute.
This engraving represents an important artistic testimony of the 19th century.

Berlin, Monument to Frederick the Great, AHPayne, 1840-50


Berlin, Monument to Frederick the Great It is an engraving made by AH Payne between 1840 and 1850.
This work represents the famous monument dedicated to Frederick the Great, executed in etching on medium thickness paper.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent

The press was published in Payne's Universum und Buch der Kunst, in Leipzig and Dresden.
AH Payne, English engraver and designer, worked in Leipzig from 1838, founding the English Art Institute.

Bernardo Rosaspina, Florence, 1832


View of the S.Trinità Bridge It is an engraving made by Bernardo Thorn Rose in 1832, which captures the architectural beauty of one of Florence's most iconic bridges.
This work is an etching on laid paper, signed lower right with the words 'B.Rosaspina Incise'.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×24 approx.
  • Engraving size: mm. 155×198 at the copper edge
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Good condition, with a stain that also partially affects the print

Cattle, H.Roos, 1840-50


Livestock It is an engraving made by H. Roos between 1840 and 1850.
This work, an etching on strong paper, represents a livestock subject and was published in the Royal Dresden Gallery by AH Payne and W. French, in Dresden, Leipzig and London.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Strong paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Albert Henry Payne, English engraver, designer and publisher, was born in London in 1812 and died in 1902 in Leipzig.
From 1838, Payne founded a publishing house, the English Art Institute, contributing significantly to the artistic landscape of the time.

Livestock, Van der Velde, 1840-50


Livestock It is an engraving made by Van der Velde between 1840 and 1850.
This work, an etching on strong paper, measures 21x27 cm and has a white back.
Published in Payne's Royal Dresden Gallery from AH Payne and W. French in Dresden, Leipzig and London, the engraving is in excellent condition.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Strong paper

Bible, Biblical Episode of Jeremie, 1850


Bible, Biblical Episode of Jeremie It is an engraving made in 1850, which represents a significant moment in the biblical narrative.
This work is an example of etching high quality, with dimensions that make it an interesting piece for collectors and enthusiasts.

  • Sheet size: cm. 18×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 11×15 approx.
  • Support: Double card
  • Condition: Excellent

Bible, Biblical Episode of Jeremie, 1850


Bible, Biblical Episode of Jeremie It is an engraving made in 1850, which represents a significant moment in the biblical narrative.
This work is an example of etching high quality, with dimensions that make it an interesting piece for collectors and enthusiasts.

  • Sheet size: cm. 18×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 11×15 approx.
  • Support: Double card
  • Condition: Excellent

River Mouth, Terracina, 1819


River Mouth, Terracina It is an engraving made by TO THE CASTELLAN in 1819.
This work is an etching representing a suggestive landscape, part of the volume Letters on Italy, published in Paris by A. Nepveu.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×12 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 10×14 approx.
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Antoine-Laurent Castellan, born in Montpellier in 1772 and died in Paris in 1838, was a renowned painter and engraver. Decorated with the Legion of Honor and a member of the Academy of Fine Arts, he produced works mainly dedicated to landscapes, contributing to illustrated books such as View of Italy And View of the Alps.

Boccaccio Giovanni, 1857


Boccaccio Giovanni it is an original etching made in 1857, taken from the Iconoteca Italiana, a collection of sixty portraits of illustrious Italians.
Questa opera misura la battuta di mm. 140×180 su un foglio di cm. 23×32, ed è stampata su carta forte con retro bianco.

  • Sheet size: cm. 23×32
  • Engraving size: mm. 140×180
  • Support: Strong paper
  • Condition: Buone, con qualche leggera macchia di foxing ai bordi, che non interessa l’incisione.

Bologna, Bird's eye view, 1850


Bologna, Veduta a volo d’uccello è un’incisione realizzata nel 1850, che offre una splendida prospettiva della città.
This work is taken from The Classic Lands of Europe, Italy, Sicily and Greece.. by John Sherer, with steel etchings by renowned artists such as Allom, Bartlett and Leitch.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×32 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 13×18,5 approx.
  • Support: Strong paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Questa veduta è caratterizzata da una nitidezza e un’animazione che la rendono un pezzo d’arte affascinante.

Bonn, View of the city, Germany, 1850


Bonn, View of the city It is an engraving made in 1850, which offers a suggestive representation of the German city of Bonn.
This etching The image measures 7x11 cm, including margins, and is printed on medium-thickness paper with a white back.

  • Sheet size: Small
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

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