
Showing 2185–2208 of 2521 results

Sion, Svizzera, 1850


Sion, Svizzera è un’incisione realizzata nel 1850, rappresentativa della bellezza della città di Sion.
Questa opera è un’acquaforte di alta qualità, con una misura dell’immagine di cm. 10×15 più margini, stampata su carta di medio spessore con retro bianco.

  • Era: Mid 19th century
  • Condition: Excellent condition
  • Dimensions: Small
  • Support: Paper

Syracuse, 1781-1786


Syracuse, 1781-1786 It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non, known as the Abbot of Saint-Non, between 1781 and 1786.
This etching, measuring 230x165 mm and with irregular margins, offers a beautiful animated view of the city of Syracuse.
The work is taken from his volume Voyage Pittoresque or Description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicily, an important encyclopedic work that collects his impressions and reports from his travels in Italy.

  • Sheet size: mm. 230×165 approx.
  • Condition: Perfect state of preservation
  • Support: Paper

Syracuse, Ancient Monument, Saint-Non, 1786


Syracuse, Ancient Monument It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent original engraving comes from the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

The print offers a beautiful animated view of Syracuse, Sicily, and represents an important historical and artistic testimony of the 18th century.

Syracuse, City of Alicata, Saint-Non, 1781-86


Syracuse, City of Alicata It is a magnificent engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non between 1781 and 1786.
This general view of the city of Alicata is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent

The engraving is well preserved and represents a beautiful animated view, testifying to the artistic skill of Saint-Non, known for his contribution to the art and culture of his time.

Syracuse, Fountain of Arethusa, Saint-Non, 1786


Syracuse, Arethusa Fountain It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

The animated view of Syracuse offers a fascinating glimpse into the beauty of Sicily, making this engraving a valuable piece for collectors and art enthusiasts.

Syracuse, Fountain, Papyri, Saint-Non, 1786


Syracuse, Fountain, Papyri It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

The engraving offers a beautiful animated view of Syracuse, Sicily, and represents an important artistic and historical testimony of the 18th century.

Syracuse, Caves, 1796


Syracuse, Caves It is an engraving made in 1796, taken from the volume Tour Through Italy by Rev. John Chetwode Eustace, published in London by J. Mawman, 1813.
This beautiful view features remarkable animation and contrast, making it a fascinating work for art and history lovers. A detailed explanation of the image is provided on the back of the print.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 15×22 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Syracuse, Caves, 1796


Syracuse, Caves It is an engraving made in 1796, taken from the volume Tour Through Italy by Rev. John Chetwode Eustace, published in London by J. Mawman, 1813.
This beautiful view features remarkable animation and contrast, making it a fascinating work for art and history lovers. A detailed explanation of the image is provided on the back of the print.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 15×22 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Siracusa, Interno delle Latomie, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Interno delle Latomie It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent etching fa parte della prima edizione del celebre Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

Questa veduta animata delle Latomie di Siracusa offre uno sguardo affascinante sulla storia e l’architettura siciliana del XVIII secolo.

Siracusa, Interno Tombe antiche, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Interno Tombe antiche It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

L’incisione offre una bella veduta animata di Siracusa, in Sicilia, e rappresenta un’importante testimonianza storica e artistica del XVIII secolo.

Siracusa, Latomie, Orecchio di Dionisio, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Latomie, Orecchio di Dionisio It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent original engraving comes from the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non, noto come Abate di Saint-Non, è stato un importante disegnatore e archeologo francese. La sua opera è un’importante testimonianza della bellezza dei regni di Napoli e Sicilia.

Siracusa, Le latomie, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Le latomie It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

La veduta rappresenta un’animata scena di Siracusa, in Sicilia, e si distingue per la sua qualità artistica e storica.

Syracuse, Plan of the city, Saint-Non, 1781-86


Siracusa, Pianta della città è un’incisione a volo d’uccello realizzata da Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non tra il 1781 e il 1786.
This magnificent original engraving comes from the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 33×50 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 21x34 approximately at the copper edge
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

La veduta animata di Siracusa offre un affascinante sguardo sulla città siciliana, rendendola un pezzo prezioso per collezionisti e appassionati di storia.

Siracusa, Pianta delle Catacombe, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Pianta delle Catacombe It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent original engraving comes from the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18x25 approximately at the copper edge
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good condition

Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non, noto anche come Abate di Saint-Non, è stato un importante disegnatore e archeologo francese, famoso per le sue opere che documentano i regni di Napoli e Sicilia.

Syracuse, Port of Alicata, Saint-Non, 1781-86


Syracuse, Port of Alicata It is a magnificent engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non between 1781 and 1786.
This work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Good
  • Support: Paper

This engraving offers a beautiful animated view of the port of Alicata, representing an important historical and artistic testimony of 18th century Sicily.

Siracusa, Resti del Tempio di Giove, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Resti del Tempio di Giove It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

L’incisione offre una bella veduta animata dei resti del Tempio di Giove a Siracusa, in Sicilia, e rappresenta un’importante testimonianza del patrimonio archeologico italiano.

Syracuse, Stairway from Etna, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Scala dall’Etna It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

La veduta animata di Siracusa offre un affascinante sguardo sulla Sicilia del XVIII secolo, rendendo questa incisione un pezzo prezioso per collezionisti e appassionati di storia.

Siracusa, Teatro anfiteatro, Saint-Non, 1786


Siracusa, Teatro anfiteatro It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent etching rappresenta una vista animata dell’antico teatro di Siracusa, in Sicilia, ed è parte della prima edizione del famoso Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good condition

Syracuse, Temple of Jupiter, 1781-1786


Siracusa, Tempio di Giove è un’acquaforte realizzata tra il 1781 e il 1786 from Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non, noto anche come Abate di Saint-Non.
Questa opera fa parte del suo celebre volume Voyage Pittoresque or Description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicily, in cui l’autore raccoglie le sue impressioni e resoconti di viaggio.

  • Sheet size: mm. 230×165 approximately, with irregular margins
  • Condition: Perfect condition
  • Support: Paper

La veduta rappresenta una bella e animata scena del Tempio di Giove Olimpico a Siracusa, offrendo uno spaccato affascinante della storia e dell’architettura siciliana.

Syracuse, Temple of Minerva, Saint-Non, 1781-86


Syracuse, Temple of Minerva It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non between 1781 and 1786.
This magnificent work comes from the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies, an encyclopedic work illustrated by the author himself.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

Syracuse, Tomb of Archimedes, 1860


Syracuse, Tomb of Archimedes it is an etching made in 1860, which represents an important artistic testimony of the 19th century.
This work is taken from theAlbum of Italy, published by Literarisch-artistische Abteilung des Österreichischen Lloyd Austrian.

  • Sheet size: cm. 24×32 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 20×14 approx.
  • Support: Medium thickness paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Syracuse, Ancient Tombs, Latomie, Saint-Non, 1786


Syracuse, Ancient Tombs, Latomie It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent original engraving comes from the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Good

The animated view of Syracuse offers a fascinating glimpse of 18th-century Sicily.

Syracuse, Ancient Tombs, Saint-Non, 1786


Syracuse, Ancient Tombs It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non in 1786.
This magnificent original engraving comes from the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 22×33 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 18×25 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Good
  • Support: Paper

This engraving offers a beautiful animated view of Syracuse, Sicily, and represents an important historical and artistic testimony of the 18th century.

Syracuse, View of the ancient theatre, Saint-Non, 1781-86


Syracuse, View of the ancient theatre It is an engraving made by Jean-Claude Richard de Saint-Non between 1781 and 1786.
This magnificent work is part of the first edition of the famous Voyage picturesque or description of the Royal Palaces of Naples and Sicilies.

  • Sheet size: cm. 33×50 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 21×34 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

The view represents a lively scene of the ancient theatre of Syracuse, an important historical and artistic testimony of Sicily.

Explore the fascinating world of antique prints

Antique prints are silent witnesses of history, capable of transporting us to distant eras through the art of engraving. Our e-commerce offers a vast selection of these precious finds, carefully selected for their authenticity and artistic value. Whether you are an expert collector or a novice enthusiast, you will find unique pieces here that will enrich your spaces with a touch of timeless elegance.

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