
Showing 529–552 of 2521 results

Dante Alighieri, 1857


Dante Alighieri it is an original etching made in 1857, taken from the Iconoteca Italiana, a collection of sixty portraits of illustrious Italians.
Questa opera rappresenta un importante tributo al grande poeta e scrittore italiano.

  • Sheet size: cm. 23×32 approx.
  • Size of the joke: mm. 140×180 circa
  • Support: Strong paper, white back
  • Condition: Ottima, con qualche leggera macchia di ruggine ai bordi, che non interessa l’incisione

Dardanelles, Türkiye, 1850


Dardanelles, Türkiye It is an engraving made in 1850, representative of the beauty and culture of the region.
This etching presents an image size of cm. 10x7, with margins included, on medium thickness paper with white back.

  • Era: Mid 19th century
  • Condition: Excellent condition
  • Support: Paper

Dock of Livorno, 1826


Livorno dock it is an engraving made by Antonio Verico in 1826.
This copper etching It is part of the volume Compendium of the Pictorial Journey of Tuscany, published in Florence by Gasparo Ricci.

  • Sheet size: cm. 10×17 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 7×12 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

David Deuchar (1743-1808), 1803


Una madre che allatta è un’incisione realizzata da David Deuchar nel 1803, parte della sua collezione dedicata ai maestri delle scuole olandesi e fiamminghe.
Questa opera è ispirata a grandi artisti come Rembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius Bega e Van Vliet, e include anche alcuni disegni originali di Deuchar.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 8×8 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), 1803


Una madre che allatta il suo bambino It is an engraving made by David Deuchar In the 1803.
This work comes from A Collection of Etchings after the most Eminent Master of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, which includes works by masters such as Rembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius Bega and Van Vliet.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 8×8 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), 1803


Donna a seno nudo che gioca con una colomba It is an engraving made by David Deuchar In the 1803.
This work comes from A Collection of Etchings after the most Eminent Master of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, che include opere di artisti come Rembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius Bega e Van Vliet.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 9,5×6 circa
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), 1803


Woman reading It is an engraving made by David Deuchar In the 1803.
This work comes from A Collection of Etchings after the most Eminent Master of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, particularly inspired by masters such as Rembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius Bega and Van Vliet.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 10×7 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), 1803


Man reading in a study It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803.
This work is taken from A Collection of Etchings after the most Eminent Master of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, which includes works by masters such as Rembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius Bega and Van Vliet.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 10×7,5 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), 1803


Un prete è un’incisione realizzata da David Deuchar nel 1803, parte della collezione A Collection of Etchings after the most Eminent Master of the Dutch and Flemish Schools.
Questa opera è particolarmente ispirata ai maestri come Rembrandt, Ostade, Cornelius Bega e Van Vliet, e include anche alcuni disegni originali di Deuchar.

  • Sheet size: cm. 15×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 11×7 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Anelli e medaglia romane


Anelli e medaglia romane It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, part of the work Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness.
This engraving, made with the technique ofetching and of the burin, presenta un’ottima impressione e conservazione.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 8×5 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Caricature


Caricature It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, part of the work Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness, pubblicata a Edinburgo.
This engraving, made in etching and burin, presenta un’immagine di dimensioni cm. 6×9 circa, su un supporto di carta molto sottile, controcollata su carta pesante color paglierino di dimensioni cm. 20×25.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 6×9 approx.
  • Support: Paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Caricatures of faces


Caricature di volti It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, taken from the work Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness.
This copper engraving is made using the technique ofetching and of the burin, mostrando un’ottima impressione e conservazione.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 8×6 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Contadini che ballano in un interno


Contadini che ballano in un interno It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, part of the series Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness.
Questa opera, che rappresenta un vivace momento di danza contadina, è eseguita con la tecnica dell’acquaforte e bulino.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 8×6 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent impression and excellent state of preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Contadini che discutono in una locanda


Contadini che discutono in una locanda è un’incisione realizzata da David Deuchar nel 1803, proveniente dall’opera Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness.
Questa opera rappresenta una scena vivace e dettagliata di contadini in conversazione, evidenziando l’abilità artistica di Deuchar.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 8×10 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper, back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent impression and excellent state of preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Contadini che giocano a carte su una botte da A. Ostade


Contadini che giocano a carte su una botte It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, taken from the work Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness.
Questa opera rappresenta un momento di convivialità tra contadini, catturato con maestria attraverso la tecnica dell’acquaforte e bulino.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 12×10 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Contadini che mangiano in una locanda da A. Ostade


Contadini che mangiano in una locanda è un’incisione realizzata da David Deuchar nel 1803, ispirata ai lavori di A. Ostade.
Questa opera è una testimonianza della vita quotidiana, rappresentando un momento di convivialità in un ambiente rustico.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 8×10 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Contadini in una taverna da A. Ostade


Contadini in una taverna è un’incisione realizzata da David Deuchar nel 1803, utilizzando la tecnica dell’etching and of the burin.
This work is taken from Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness e presenta una misura dell’immagine di circa cm. 9×14.
L’incisione è stampata su carta molto sottile, controcollata su carta pesante color paglierino, con dimensioni totali di cm. 20×25.

  • Condition: Excellent preservation
  • Support: Paper

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Contadino che sorride da A. Ostade


Contadino che sorride It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, taken from the work Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness.
Questa opera rappresenta un contadino in un momento di gioia, evidenziando la maestria di Deuchar nell’arte dell’incisione.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 6×8 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper, back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), Copricapi n.2


Copricapi n.2 It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, part of the series Seal Engraver to His Royal Highness.
Questa opera è caratterizzata da un’ottima impressione e conservazione, presentando un’immagine di dimensioni cm. 5×8 circa.

  • Sheet size: cm. 20×25 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 5×8 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), da A.Ostade Famiglia di contadini


Farmers' family It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, part of the series Deuchar's Etchings.
Questa opera, che rappresenta una scena di vita contadina, è stata realizzata utilizzando la tecnica dell’etching e del bulino.

  • Image size: cm. 8×6 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper, back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent impression and excellent preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), da A.Ostade Imbonitore che vende elisir di lunga vita


Imbonitore che vende elisir di lunga vita It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, part of the series Deuchar's Etchings.
Questa opera, che presenta un’ottima impressione, è firmata in lastra e mostra un’accurata tecnica di incisione in rame.

  • Sheet size: cm. 18×12 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

David Deuchar (1743-1808), da A.Ostade Tre contadini che discutono


Tre contadini che discutono It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, taken from Deuchar's Etchings.
Questa opera rappresenta un momento di interazione tra tre contadini, catturando l’essenza della vita rurale del tempo.

  • Sheet size: cm. 8×6 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper, back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent impression and preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), da A.Ostade Tre donne esperte di arte


Tre donne esperte di arte It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, part of the series Deuchar's Etchings.
Questa opera, che presenta un’ottima impressione, è firmata in lastra e mostra un’accurata lavorazione in acquaforte e bulino.

  • Sheet size: cm. 18×12 approx.
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent preservation

David Deuchar (1743-1808), by Cornelis Bega, 1803


Mother sitting in the tavern It is an engraving made by David Deuchar in 1803, inspired by the Dutch and Flemish masters, in particular by Cornelis Bega.
This work is part of the collection A Collection of Etchings after the most Eminent Master of the Dutch and Flemish Schools, which includes works by artists such as Rembrandt and Ostade.

  • Sheet size: cm. 35×26 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 11,5×15 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Very thin paper back-glued on heavy straw-colored paper
  • Condition: Excellent

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Antique prints are silent witnesses of history, capable of transporting us to distant eras through the art of engraving. Our e-commerce offers a vast selection of these precious finds, carefully selected for their authenticity and artistic value. Whether you are an expert collector or a novice enthusiast, you will find unique pieces here that will enrich your spaces with a touch of timeless elegance.

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