
Showing 697–720 of 2521 results

Donna di Sora di Campagna, acquarello


Donna di Sora di Campagna it's a watercolor di squisita fattura, realizzato da un autore anonimo e databile alla prima metà del XIX secolo.
Questo splendido pezzo, con dimensioni di circa cm. 7×10, è eseguito su cartoncino con retro bianco e presenta colori vivi che ne esaltano la bellezza.

  • Sheet size: cm. 7×10 approx.
  • Support: Cardboard
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Donna di Sorrento, acquarello, 1845


Donna di Sorrento è un pregevole acquarello realizzato nel 1845 da un autore anonimo.
Questa opera rappresenta una donna in costume caratteristico di Sorrento, evidenziando la bellezza e la cultura locale.

  • Watercolor dimensions: cm. 23×17 circa, con ampi margini
  • Support: Carta di medio spessore con filigrana J. Whatman Turkey Mill 1845
  • Condition: Buone condizioni, con qualche macchia e piccoli fori quasi invisibili

Donna di Subiaco, 1840


Woman from Subiaco è un’acquaforte acquarellata realizzata nel 1840, tratta dall’opera Costumi di Roma e suoi contorni, disegnata da vari artisti e incisa da Salvatore Marroni.
Questa pregevole opera è stata pubblicata a Roma presso l’editore e calcografo Tommaso Cuccioni, situato in Via della Croce N.88.

  • Sheet size: cm. 32×22
  • Support: Medium thickness paper with white backing
  • Condition: Excellent

Woman of Subiaco, watercolor


Woman from Subiaco it's a watercolor of exquisite workmanship, created by an anonymous author in the first half of the 19th century.
This stunning piece features bright colors and refined details, making it a fascinating work for art lovers.

  • Sheet size: cm. 7×10 approx.
  • Support: Cardboard with white back
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Donna di Tivoli, 1840


Donna di Tivoli è un’acquaforte acquarellata realizzata nel 1840, tratta dall’opera Costumi di Roma e suoi contorni, disegnata da vari artisti e incisa da Salvatore Marroni.
Questa pregevole opera è stata pubblicata a Roma presso l’editore e calcografo Tommaso Cuccioni, situato in Via della Croce N.88.

  • Sheet size: cm. 32×22
  • Support: Medium thickness paper with white backing
  • Condition: Excellent

Donna di Tivoli, acquarello


Donna di Tivoli it's a watercolor di squisita fattura, realizzato da un autore anonimo, databile alla prima metà del XIX secolo.
This splendid piece, measuring approximately 7x10 cm, is made on cardboard with a white back and features bright colors that enhance its beauty.

  • Sheet size: cm. 7×10 approx.
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Woman in a Satin Dress, G.Terburg, 1840-50


Donna in abito di raso è un’incisione realizzata da G. Terburg tra il 1840 e il 1850.
This work, also known as A Lady in a Satin Dress, is an etching on strong paper, published in the Royal Dresden Gallery from AH Payne and W. French, in Dresden, Leipzig and London.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation
  • Support: Strong paper

Neapolitan woman, 1870


Neapolitan Woman it is an engraving made in 1870, which represents a typical Italian costume.
This work is made in colored watercolor etching and presents a figure measuring 15x10 cm on a sheet of 27x18 cm.

  • Sheet size: cm. 27×18
  • Figure dimensions: cm. 15×10
  • Support: White backed paper
  • Condition: Good, with a tear of about 8 cm. repaired with paper on the back

Dutch Woman, C.Netcher, 1840-50


Donna Olandese è un’incisione realizzata da C. Netcher tra il 1840 e il 1850.
This work, also known as The Needlwoman, is an etching on strong paper, published in the prestigious Payne's Royal Dresden Gallery from AH Payne and W. French, in Dresden, Leipzig and London.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Strong paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

Woman Abducted by Robbers, J. Le Duc, 1850


Donna rapita da ladri è un’incisione realizzata da J. Le Duc nel 1850.
This work, entitled Femme arretée par des voleurs, è un esempio affascinante di arte incisoria.

  • Sheet size: cm. 25×16 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 14×11 approx.
  • Support: Medium paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Donna Saracinese, 1840


Donna Saracinese è un’acquaforte acquarellata realizzata nel 1840, tratta dall’opera Costumes of Rome and its surroundings, drawn by various artists and engraved by Salvatore Marroni.
Questa incisione è stata pubblicata a Roma, presso l’editore e calcografo Tommaso Cuccioni, situato in Via della Croce N.88.

  • Sheet size: cm. 32×22
  • Support: Medium thickness paper with white backing
  • Condition: Excellent

Women and Costumes of Augsburg, 1724


Women and costumes of Augusta It is an etching made in 1724, which represents a lively view of the city of Augsburg in Germany.
This work is taken from the volume Nieu We Reize van Misson naen door Italy by François Misson, published in Utrecht in 1724.

  • Sheet size: cm. 16×27 approximately, plus irregular margins
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Laid paper with watermark
  • Condition: Good, it has two editorial folds

Women and Costumes of Nuremberg, 1724


Women and costumes of Nuremberg It is an engraving made in 1724, which offers a lively representation of daily life in Nuremberg, Germany.
This work is taken from the volume Nieu We Reize van Misson naen door Italy by François Misson, published in Utrecht in 1724.

  • Sheet size: cm. 16×27 approximately, plus irregular margins
  • Engraving size: cm. 16×27 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Good condition, has two editorial folds

Dopo aver girovagato, W.French, 1840-50


Dopo aver girovagato It is an etching made by W. French between 1840 and 1850.
Questa opera è pubblicata in Payne's Universum und Buch der Kunst, published in Leipzig and Dresden.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Engraving size: unspecified
  • Support: Medium thickness paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

In basso a destra si trova la firma dell’artista: W. French sc.
Albert Henry Payne, incisore e editore inglese, ha fondato la sua casa editrice a Lipsia nel 1838, mentre William French, artista inglese, ha collaborato con lui fino alla sua morte nel 1898.

Dopo la luna di miele, A.H.Payne, 1840-50


Dopo la luna di miele It is an engraving made by A.H. Payne between 1840 and 1850.
This work, entitled Nach den Flitternvochen, is an etching on medium-thickness paper, published in Payne's Universum und Buch der Kunst, Leipzig and Dresden.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Support: Medium thickness paper
  • Condition: Excellent condition

In basso a destra si trova la firma dell’artista, A.H. Payne sc.
Albert Henry Payne, English engraver, designer and publisher, was born in London in 1812 and died in 1902 in Leipzig, where he founded a publishing house, the English Art Institute.

Doria Andrea, 1857


Doria Andrea, 1857 it is an original etching, from the Italian Iconoteca, which contains sixty portraits of illustrious Italians.
Made in Florence in 1857, this work portrays Andrea Doria, an important admiral and politician of the Republic of Genoa, born in Oneglia in 1466 and died in Genoa in 1560.

  • Sheet size: cm. 23×32
  • Size of the joke: cm. 14×18
  • Support: Strong paper
  • Condition: Excellent, with some light blooming at the edges which does not affect the engraving

Dresden, Dresden, 1850


Dresden, Dresden It is an engraving made in 1850, which offers a beautiful view of the city.
This work is an etching on light paper, from a mid-19th century book.

  • Sheet size: cm. 10×15 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation
  • Support: Light paper

Dresden, Germany, 1840-50


Dresden, Germany It is an etching made between 1840 and 1850, published in the Royal Dresden Gallery by AH Payne and W. French.
This work represents an important artistic testimony of the time, made on strong paper with a white back.

  • Sheet size: cm. 21×27
  • Engraving size: cm. 21×27 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Condition: Excellent
  • Support: Paper

Du Pérac Etienne, The Vestiges of the Antiquity of Rome, 1575


The Vestiges of Ancient Rome It is an engraving made by Du Perac Etienne in 1575, a fundamental work for the study of ancient architecture.
This etching on laid paper measures approximately cm. 16×28 and is trimmed to the marginal line. At the bottom, there is a detailed description of the monument and the site depicted, which offers important historical testimony.

  • Description of the monument: Remains of the Septizonium of Emperor Severus I, a tomb located along the Appian Way, designed to be visible to those coming from Africa.
  • Architectural details: Corinthian style building, with columns of different stones, some striated and others smooth, and marble decorations.
  • Popular name: Also known as Virgil's school.

Du Perac Etienne, architect and engraver, began his career in Venice before moving to Rome, where he made drawings of ancient monuments. His work, The Vestiges of Ancient Rome, is composed of a frontispiece and 39 plates, accompanied by historical-descriptive inscriptions that provide information on the monuments represented.

Du Pérac Etienne, The Vestiges of the Antiquity of Rome, 1575


The Vestiges of Ancient Rome It is an engraving made by Du Perac Etienne in 1575. This work represents an important collection of ancient monuments, executed with great attention to detail.
The work includes a description of the monument and the site represented, with an illustration of the Baths of Constantine in the Quirinal Hill.

  • Sheet size: cm. 16×28 approx.
  • Engraving size: trimmed to the marginal line
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

Du Pérac Etienne, The Vestiges of the Antiquity of Rome, 1575


The Vestiges of Ancient Rome It is an engraving made by Du Perac Etienne in 1575.
This work is an important collection of drawings of ancient monuments, executed with great precision and attention to detail.

  • Sheet size: cm. 16×28 approx.
  • Engraving size: trimmed to the marginal line
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

At the bottom, the engraving contains a description of the Antonine Column, with historical and architectural details that enrich the work.
Du Pérac, architect and engraver, dedicated his life to the study of antiquity, creating a volume that is a precious document for the history of Roman art and architecture.

Duke De Choiseul, Bashan, 1771


Duke of Choiseul It is an engraving made by Pierre-François Basan in 1771.
This work is part of the Cabinet of the Duke of Choiseul, an important collection of engraved prints from works by the famous collector.

  • Sheet size: cm. 30×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 14×12 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent state of preservation

Dujardin or Du Jardin Karel, Bashan, 1771


Dujardin o Du Jardin Karel It is an engraving made by Pierre-François Basan in 1771, part of the Cabinet of the Duke of Choiseul.
This work is a etching su carta vergellata, che misura alla battuta circa cm. 14×12 su un foglio di cm. 30×20.

  • Author: Karel Dujardin, pittore e incisore olandese
  • Era: 18th century
  • Condition: Excellent condition
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Dimensions: Small

Dujardin or Du Jardin, Bashan, 1771


Dujardin o Du Jardin It is an engraving made by Pierre-François Basan in 1771, part of the Cabinet of the Duke of Choiseul.
This work is a collection of prints che raccoglie incisioni basate sui dipinti del Duc de Choiseul, pubblicata a Parigi.

  • Sheet size: cm. 30×20 approx.
  • Engraving size: cm. 13×15 approx.
  • Technique: Etching
  • Support: Laid paper
  • Condition: Excellent

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